A quick schedule update for StokerCon has been announced.  We may recall (January 29) that I had been slated for two panels at the early March Convention, on Friday for poetry and Saturday to moderate a session on vampires, but due to an early flight back home on Sunday morning could not be scheduled for a reading slot.  Kudos today go to
Kathleen Scheiner on the StokerCon staff who emailed this morning that there has been a sudden opening at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, for which I’ve emailed back “I’ll take it!” (or words to that effect).  So as of now, for those who wish to join me, I’ll be sharing the Saturday morning opening slot with Nathan Carson and Karen Bovenmyer.
As set up, I understand, these will be one-hour sessions with three readers each, giving us about fifteen minutes apiece allowing time for introductions, “class changes,” etc.  And so, from TOMBS:  A CHRONICLE OF LATTER-DAY TIMES OF EARTH, I think I’ll be able to read a shorter piece, most likely “Carnival of the Animals” from Section III, “Intimations of Future Disaster,” in just about the time allowed.