Posts Tagged ‘Vile Things’

Well, make that “Where the Vile Things Are,” but nevertheless it was a homage of sorts to the late Maurice Sendak and it, along with the micro-poem “The Werewolf Explains,” arrived today in the April issue of NIGHT TO DAWN (cf. July 25).  Also with “Vile Things,” but on the verso Imagebehind the poem so it might not be obvious they’re connected, is an illustration by Marge Simon that it inspired (July 27).  Not to worry, though, either item does well enough by itself.  Still to come, too, perhaps in the fall for Halloween, should be a third poem, “Werewolves vs. Vampires.”

Meanwhile I spent much of Friday afternoon working on a new interview featuring THE TEARS OF ISIS, but also with some mention of vampires (ah, now) and VAMPS (A RETROSPECTIVE).  Conducted by Rebecca Byfield, this was the kind that suggests many questions but gives a choice of the ones you want to answer, and so, as I had warned her, I ended up picking only eleven (out of a possible 46) but gave my answers in some depth.  I’ll still go over it on the weekend but get it in probably Sunday night.  As for when and where it will be published, I had suggested March or early April as ideal for me, but as Rebecca supplies several blogs and has a number of other people on her schedule the actual time and place will be up to her.  Details will appear on this blog when I know them.

Today was the day the thermometer sneaked back to 100, a sultry, hot day, but one worth celebrating (even if not going to the cave computer to do so till now, 24 hours or so after the fact, but the thing is, it’s in the relative coolness of night).  Tuesday night brought, first, an email from NIGHT TO DAWN where, according to the guidelines, one “might meet the blood drinker of yore, or a walking skeleton, or even a human vampire.  Then there are the psychic vampires.  Recently, NTD has been featuring werewolves and other monsters but always with the bloodlust theme.”  In other words, a family magazine, and one not entirely a stranger to me and my work, having published three vampire-ku by me last year (see August 28 2011, et al.).  So now, according  to editor Barbara Custer, three more poems will be in the offing in issue #23, which I believe would be at or about April 2013, a 16-line tip of the hat of sorts to the late Maurice Sendak,  “Where the Vile Things Are,” a much shorter  sub-werewolf-ku “The Werewolf Explains,” and, splitting some kind of difference, the 9-line “Werewolves vs. Vampires.”

Then, lest prose be forgotten, another Tuesday eve email from SNM HORROR (see December 31 and 2 2011, et al.) arrived with an acceptance for a new story “Waste Not, Want Not” for their “August Augmentations” issue.  “Doctors, dentists, plastic surgeons, botch ups or malpractice” — sounds like fun!  This one should be out early next month.

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